Hello to those checking out this site. A bit more info on Passing By.

There is a Facebook page now, although I cannot post anything due to a glitch in their system. Hopefully this will be rectified very soon. Check it out and like the page & spread the word to your networks - https://www.facebook.com/passingbyproject

I need your help to make this project successful.

I'm after any fabric items you have that you'd be happy to give me for use in this project. There are a few ways to get things to me. Have a look at this page for options. The clock is ticking, so have a look and get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.
I have officially been offered and have accepted one of four residency positions as part of the 2012 Gosford Artist Residency. A very exciting opportunity and a first for me. So, there's much to be done between now and when the final works are shown at the gallery on 21st July.

Check out the website and find out more about my project Passing By and log in to the blog to receive regular updates on what's happening and how the project is progressing.

I encourage those who live in the Gosford area to be part of this project. You can drop or send your fabric items and stories to Shop 153/154, the Imperial Shopping Centre, Gosford.

I look forward to meeting the people behind the fabric items and stories and seeing what treasures people have to offer.